Integrated Energy Therapy Classes 

What is an IET Class?


Integrated Energy Therapy® is an attunement based energy therapy system. Each level of our IET® training system contains an energy attunement that works directly with the 12 Strand DNA to expand, realign, and restructure one or more pairs. Each IET® attunement builds progressively with the others to ultimately bring all six pairs of DNA into their full power. IET® attunements can only be done by a certified IET®Master-Instructor and must be done in person (they cannot be done remotely).

In Integrated Energy Therapy® we believe that our life is not completely healed until we are living our dreams in life. Therefore, we have developed a progressive focus for our classes that starts with clearing the pain and helping us “survive life”, and progresses to finding and living our soul’s mission so that we can “thrive in life”.

Certification Classes —– Certification classes require an in person attunement and practice of sessions and/or techniques. They CAN NOT be taught in a virtual environment.

works at the 1st (physical) and 2nd (emotional) pair of the 12 Strand DNA and provides students with the ability to clear physical and emotional energy blockages from the cellular memory and leave in their place positive physical and emotional energy imprints.


works at the 3rd (mental) and 4th (karmic) pair of the 12 Strand DNA and provides students with the ability to clear physical, emotional, mental, and karmic energy imprints from the human energy field and leave in their place positive energy imprints.


works at the 4th pair (genetic soul profile) and 5th pair (soul cluster) of the 12 Strand DNA and provides students with the ability to discover your soul’s mission and attract members of your soul’s cluster to help you live your soul’s mission and bring your dreams alive.  


works at the 6th pair (alignment with the Divine) of the 12 Strand DNA and provides students with the ability to activate the DNA of others and attune them to the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels.


Classes Requiring Prerequisites

Our “IET for Pets” class has the focus on cats, dogs, and horses and to teach how to offer a complete Basic Level IET session to these wonderful creatures.


A way for IET Students to brush up on the tools and techniques you learned when you took the class.


Classes for Anyone

 “Healing Angels”  is ideal for IET® students who want to learn to call upon the Angels and add a special spiritual dimension to their sessions. Great for students who do not have any IET® Training but who love angels!


Heal your trauma without having to relive the drama or pain. Establish your own energetic connection with the energy of nine Healing Angels and “get the issues out of your tissues for good”!


“IET for Kids” was created for children to share in the wonderful experience. It has been developed especially for children ages 7 to 12. The class provides children with the gift of knowledge in a fun atmosphere.


IET Special Events descriptions. Many IET Master-Instructors are hosting offerings in addition to the standard IET classes.


Master-Instructor Only Classes

A one-day class spent reviewing how to teach the most popular IET classes. Increase your confidence in a comfortable setting while reviewing and practicing everything you need to teach these IET classes with confidence.


A one-day class where we explore a deeper level of you, using many of the IET tools and techniques currently being taught in our IET Master’s class, and apply them during this workshop to support you in receiving your Reach.


A one-day event where you can play, learn, and re-connect with your fellow IET Master-Instructors.  The theme changes yearly.